“Be Curious, Not Judgmental?”   I once saw this Walt Whitman quote on a storefront somewhere in Manhattan. I snapped a picture of it and haven’t forgotten it since.

It’s so easy to judge someone else because judgment is mindless.  In judgment, we don’t have to think much.  In judgment, we can put someone in a box, feel better about ourselves, and move on.

I have a belief that everyone judges and we can’t fully stop judging others.  However, I think we can have a different relationship to our judgments.  We can see them for what they are, which are mere projections of our own internal “stuff.”

Being curious is not easy.  It takes practice and it’s a new muscle to flex.  With time, we can all be a little more curious.  Perhaps we just need to ask the right questions.  Next time, let your curiosity lead you.

Why did this person act this way? 

Are they having a bad day? 

How was their childhood? 

What are their struggles and challenges? 

What fears do they have? 

What keeps them up at night? 

What are their dreams?

Curiosity leads to connection and will expand your world.  Imagine the powerful conversations and fascinating people you would meet if you led with curiosity.

Judgment leads to disconnection and narrowness.  If you find yourself in that place- Don’t judge yourself.  Be curious.

Need support and accountability to crush it in life?  I’m a certified professional coach who helps people that are too busy for a coach.  I coach parents and other business professionals, including attorneys and physicians.  Get your free 30 minute session HERE.